Beach Babes
Victorian beach garb is a historic element that can easily date a photograph like the ones presented on these postcards. The distinctive summertime attire from the early 1900s prioritized preserving modesty, contrasting with today’s less conservative standards. What were the ladies to do at the beach if they were not oiling up and sprawling out on a towel for a tan?
The beauties featured on the image side of these cards were either splashing in the shallows with their gal pals, posing in pursuit of a potential match in front of the old pier, or strutting their sovereignty in waders; it appears that by the 1940s customs became more relaxed.
These images must have struck the fancy of the respective senders—I wonder if the female dominant portrayal has any connection to the recipients all being ladies themselves?

September 3, 1907
I received your card the other day and thank you very much for it. We are a going to leave Cape May tomorrow morning, Reach home Thursday or friday
With the love to all your nephy
Care of L. W. Ford
Sent to:
Miss Mary S. Baldwin
Still Pond, Kent Co, MD

July 17, 1913
Down here for the day I hope you have a nice time. Bar[?]
Sent to:
Miss Florence Deacon
5737 Baltimore Ave
West Phila, Penna

July 20, 1948
Hello Cous[?]: Enjoying only stay here in spite of rain & cold of last week. Not many people on boardwalk until last night. This hot spell likely will bring the crowd out for the season. Drove over to Atlantic City yesterday, was packed there. See you when I return. Love V.M.
Sent to:
Mrs M.K. Wenger
East Stevens St.
Chambersburg PA